Our Impact
As an industry, we are unique in that we have direct access to nearly every business and consumer in the country.
When it comes to impact, we have a responsibility to industry we represent as well as our suppliers, employees and customers.
Our largest members, Telstra, Optus, TPG Telecom, Vocus Group and Aussie Broadband who alone make up more than 70% of the industry, understand the importance of working collaboratively to make a greater impact than they could independently.
Our Impact
$2.6 Million
raised for our community partners
5,800 Hours
volunteered by telco employees.
26 Members
leading the industry when it comes to social change.
20,000 Donors
helping to support young Australians
Domestic & Family Violence
60-70% of women who are victim survivors of domestic and family violence are working so this is an issue of direct relevance to our 178,500 employees.
It’s especially relevant to the nature of our industry too. Mobile phones can be a lifeline for someone experiencing domestic and family violence but they can also be a tool for control and abuse.
Modern Slavery
Like many industries, our responsibility doesn’t stop with the telcos we represent but extends to every supplier along our supply chains.
Therefore, it’s important that all parties along that supply chain understands how to respond to the Commonwealth Government’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 and that all members understand how to work collaboratively to identify, assess and address common risks within their supply chains.
Resilience in Young Australians
We’re building resilient young Australians by supporting education and engagement programs that promote good mental health, a strong sense of identity and connection beyond connectivity.
100% of donations received go towards our three community partners, ReachOut, Red Dust and Beacon Foundation who have supported more than 19,000 young Australians in the last 12 months. Our community partners have been hand-selected to provide a unique, innovative and thought-leading approach to building resilience, while maintaining high levels of integrity and management.